Monday, December 14, 2015

How to Create and add Favicon in Blogger with Screen Shots

These days, each brand has an icon representing that brand. Like brands almost all developers give an icon to your web sites which is called favicon.
Favicon is a small icon of 16 × 16 pixels that is associated with a particular website. A web designer can create an icon and upload it to a web site (or web page) by various means, then  graphic Web browsers display it.

How to Creat Favicon?

Download an Image which you want to use as favicon.
Then open in your Browers.

Click on Import Image

Click on Chose file and chose image from your computer

After choosing the image click on upload to upload an image 
Before uploading their is 2 option 
  • keep dimension
  • shrink to square icon
Select the option which you want. I selected the "keep dimension"

Here your is your favicon, Click on download favicon to Download Favicon

How to Upload Favicon to blogger.

This is very simple to upload favicon on blogger.
Just open the
Click on Layout Option

These are some popular websites where you can download favicon.
Free Favicon
You Can also download Favicon from google by searching Favicon .ico